
1 week ago

How Hankook’s Line of EV Tires Are Tailored Toward EV Drivers

Electric vehicles need tires tailored to specific EV demands. With that in mind, Hankook Tire developed a line of tires made specifically for EVs. Its iON line of EV tires, which includes the iON evo, iON evo AS, iON icept, and SUV versions of each, stands out from the crowd. The iON line stands out for multiple reasons. The tires are also exclusively made for EVs, meaning Hankook isn’t just using older lines of tires they think match with EVs and slapping a label on them – it tailors its EV tires and constructs them to align with EV driver needs. …

Source: Tire Review

Tire and Rubber Association of Canada

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Etobicoke, ON M9C 5K6