
Apr 2, 2024

Q&A with RAIN Alliance President and CEO Aileen Ryan

A non-profit consortium of companies that want to create a more sustainable world, Aileen Ryan drives change with her decades of industry experience
The RAIN Alliance is a global association and has a mass of members, including giants like Decathlon, Michelin and Siemens, all united in the aim of creating a smarter and more sustainable world.
With numerous incoming regulations, these companies — spanning a variety of industries — are looking to drive more efficiencies to enable green strategies. This is where RAIN RFID technology comes in. The wireless technology connects trillions of everyday items to the internet, enabling businesses and consumers to identify, locate, authenticate, and engage each item in a simple and inexpensive way. RAIN RFID can be attached to objects, such as a paper label added to a t-shirt or a tag embedded within a tyre and use radio frequencies to search, identify and track the items. …

Tire and Rubber Association of Canada

5409 Eglinton Ave W, Suite 208
Etobicoke, ON M9C 5K6