Atturo Tires Partners with Edmonton Oilers
Atturo Tire is proud to announce a multi-year marketing partnership with the Edmonton…
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3 weeks ago
Ontario is reducing red tape for the tire, battery, electrical and electronic equipment, and hazardous and special products industries while ensuring that the environment and consumers are protected.
We have amended the following producer responsibility regulations under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 (RRCEA):
Consequential amendments were also made to the Administrative Penalties Regulation (O. Reg. 558/22) under the RRCEA to update or add contraventions related to the amendments being made to the regulations for tires, batteries, EEE and HSP.
Some of the proposed changes address common issues among regulations related to collection networks and administrative burden whereas others only affect a single regulation. …
Tire and Rubber Association of Canada
5409 Eglinton Ave W, Suite 208
Etobicoke, ON M9C 5K6
Tel: (437) 880-8420
Email: [email protected]