
Sep 14, 2023

Hankook Tire Publishes 2022/23 ESG Report

The ESG report published by Hankook Tire & Technology is now available for viewers. Hankook Tire’s ESG activities are widely recognized by customers as well as stakeholders throughout the world, such as global evaluation agencies.

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About This Report

Hankook Tire & Technology publishes this report to transparently disclose our ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) achievements for 2022 and our mid/long-term strategies and to gather feedback from stakeholders. We have released our ESG reports each year since 2010, and the most recent report was published in July 2022. This is our 14th ESG report and we will regularly publish such reports annually.

Reporting Standards

This report was prepared in accordance with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards 2021, and in reflection of the reporting items presented by the TCFD, the UN SDGs, and the SASB. The reporting standards and definitions of financial data are in conformity with the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards).

Reporting Period

The official reporting period of this report spans from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, and this extends to the first half of 2023 for some activities. For quantitative performance, five-year data from 2018 is made available to present their trajectory over time.

Reporting Scope

The performance and other data contained in this report focus on the achievements and plans of Hankook Tire & Technology. The scope of data collection covers our domestic operations – the Headquarters in Gyeonggi-do, the Daejeon/Geumsan Plants, and the R&D Center – along with our overseas operations in Hungary, China, Indonesia, the US and other countries. Any deviations from this reporting scope are separately noted within the report. We will continue to extend our reporting scope for a more accurate and broad representation of the ESG efforts and performance of our overseas operations.

Independent Assurance

This report was assured by Korea Productivity Center as an independent third-party organization to establish the credibility of the report content. For assurance standards and findings, please refer to pages 77-78 of this report. …

Source: Hankook Tire

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