
Nov 1, 2022

Research Team Develops New Method to Determine Flaws in Rubber

A new method to ensure consistency and quality in rubber manufacturing, developed by a research team from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Eastman, is likely to show real-world impact on material sustainability and durability for products such as car tires.

As consumers in the U.S. and around the globe are increasingly incentivized toward electric vehicles and away from fossil-fuel reliance, current EV users have uncovered an unexpected maintenance issue. Due to the combination of higher weight and higher torque, EVs put more pressure on standard tires, causing them to degrade 30% faster than tires on internal-combustion vehicles.

UT’s Fred N. Peebles Professor and IAMM Chair of Excellence Dayakar Penumadu, along with electrical engineering graduate student Jun-Cheng Chin, postdoctoral researcher Stephen Young and three Eastman scientists, recently published research aimed at resolving one of rubber manufacturing’s most common challenges: identifying flaws in the material. …

Source: University of Tennessee

Tire and Rubber Association of Canada

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