
Jan 16, 2024

Canada Opens Consultation on Federal Plastics Registry

On December 30, 2023, the Canadian Government published a notice in the Canada Gazette announcing its intent to establish a federal plastics registry under section 46(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)[1]. …

Who Would be Required to Report? As set out in the notice of intent, there are two groups of persons subject to reporting to the Canadian registry: (1) producers of plastic products; and (2) persons that manage plastics or plastics products after collection for diversion (e.g., through recycling, composting, energy recovery).  With respect to “producers,” this term is defined broadly using a hierarchy that targets the entity that first introduces the plastic to the Canadian market.  Specifically, “producers” include: …

Source: Keller & Heckman Law

Tire and Rubber Association of Canada

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Etobicoke, ON M9C 5K6