
Sep 22, 2021

eTracks Tire Management Systems: Annual Report 2020

Between the COVID-19 pandemic that ground the world to a halt, and the resulting slow-down of tires purchased in a sluggish economy, 2020 was a year unlike any other in recent memory. The pandemic has had a large-scale impact on all of us, with unprecedented disruptions in how we live, work, commute, and operate as businesses. It was the first time many of us moved out of the office and into our homes for months at a time. eTracks staff worked quickly to adapt operations, and with many online communication structures already in place, our team was able to make the transition from office-to-home quickly and efficiently. Most importantly, these measures allowed us to protect our staff while ensuring our customers continued to receive unwavering compliance service.

In spite of lower end-of-life (EOL) tire volumes due to the pandemic, and through improved processes and efficiencies across the supply chain, we ensured that we collected every available tire and that producers exceeded their resource recovery mandate. In fact, while several other Producer Responsibility Organizations (PRO) collected less in 2020 than 2019, eTracks exceeded 2019 tire collections by 13,000 tonnes.

While eTracks is pleased to report we achieved our 2020 objectives, one in particular stands out as both innovative and adaptive within the resource recovery industry. The Sustainable Recovery Platform (SRP) is in the final stages of development and will replace the older TreadMarks technology when it’s rolled out in 2022. SRP will make it easier to track and report on key data, such as: …

Source: eTracks

Tire and Rubber Association of Canada

5409 Eglinton Ave W, Suite 208
Etobicoke, ON M9C 5K6