
Juil 5, 2023

Team Canada Trade Mission to Japan and India

Indo-Pacific economies are the fastest growing in the world. Launched in November 2022, Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy creates opportunities to expand trade and investment, grow good jobs, and build supply chain resilience. To help Canadian businesses gain a foothold in the region, the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development will lead a Team Canada Trade Mission to open doors and connect Canadian businesses from across the country to new customers and partners.

Trade Mission to Japan

Date: October 29 to November 2, 2023

Join Minister Ng, for an in-market Team Canada Trade Mission that will focus on opportunities for Canadian companies in Japan. …

  • priority sectors defined in Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy:  agriculture and processed foods, clean technologies, clean energy, green infrastructure, life sciences, and information and communications technologies.
  • the creative industries sector will be supported by the Department of Canadian Heritage, as a Trade Commissioner Service partner under the Creative Export Strategy. …

For more information and to Register visit Government of Canada (Japan);

Trade Mission to India

Date: October 9 to October 13, 2023

India is a priority market with great potential for growth and success for Canadian companies of all sizes. Building off strong people-to-people ties, the Government of Canada is putting in place the conditions to facilitate greater commercial ties, including through the negotiation of an Early Progress Trade Agreement.

The trade mission program will be tailored to areas of Canadian competitive advantage and will focus on the following sectors:

  • priority sectors defined in Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy:  clean technology and renewable/green energy
  • high potential sectors defined by the Pan-India TCS network:  automotive, agriculture and value-added food, clean technologies, information and communications technologies (ICT)/digital industries, infrastructure, life sciences, and renewable/green energy

Who can participate?

Team Canada Trade Missions welcome export-ready Canadian companies of all sizes, including exporters from diverse backgrounds, with strong potential to address opportunities in Japan and generate tangible business outcomes.

For more information and to Register visit Government of Canada (India)

L'Association canadienne du pneu et du caoutchouc

5409 Eglinton Ave W, Suite 208
Etobicoke, ON M9C 5K6