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Nov 7, 2022
With Ontario’s Hazardous Waste Program (HWP) Registry opening in less than two weeks, the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) is reaching out to industry associations to offer support and provide information to share with their members to help prepare for using the new digital system.
RPRA has provided messaging below that your association can customize and distribute to your members to help them with the transition from reporting on their waste management activities through HWIN and using paper manifests to reporting electronically through the new HWP Registry and mobile app. We encourage you to share this information with your members to help create greater awareness.
If you have any follow up questions, please reach out to Cameron Parrack, Manager of Programs and Stakeholder Relations ([email protected]).
On November 15, 2022, RPRA’s Hazardous Waste Program (HWP) Registry will open for Ontario generators, carriers and receivers of industrial hazardous or liquid waste to set up their registry accounts, so they can prepare to meet their reporting requirements and start manifesting on January 1, 2023. The mobile app, RPRA Haz Track, will also be available for download as of November 15 and is compatible with Apple and Android devices. While the app will allow users to login, other functionalities such as manifesting will not be available until January 1.
Starting January 1, the reporting of waste management activities and associated fee payment will be done through the HWP Registry instead of using paper manifests and the HWIN (Hazardous Waste Information Network) system currently operated by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. The new HWP Registry and mobile app allow users to easily report their waste management activities electronically, however what users will be reporting is not changing.
How can regulated businesses prepare for the upcoming transition?
Explore the training materials RPRA has created a variety of role-based training materials for generators, carriers, receivers and authorized generator delegates (AGDs). Materials include interactive simulations, instructional videos, work instructions and reference guides – all designed to help users access the new registry and mobile app and complete common activities, such as account creation, delegation, adding waste streams and manifesting. Find the training materials here.
Read the FAQs Find the answers to frequently asked questions about the HWP Registry on RPRA’s FAQs page, including questions about delegation, fees and account creation.
Decide if you will be a delegate or want to delegate The amended Regulation 347: General – Waste Management clarifies that generators can delegate a service provider, also known as an authorized generator delegate (AGD), to submit information to the registry on their behalf. See FAQs related to delegation.
Generators and service providers are encouraged to talk to each other about delegation and determine if they would like to take part in delegation and if so, decide on full or partial delegation.
Requirements for written authorizations to delegate, are set out in the ministry’s proposed updated “Registration Guidance Manual for Generators of Liquid Industrial and Hazardous Waste.” The Government of Ontario is currently seeking feedback from members of the regulated community on the proposed updates to the Guidance Manual. Submit your comments by November 12, 2022.
Gather the necessary information to set up your account Only hazardous waste from facilities and waste streams that are set up in the new registry can be shipped, stored, processed, or disposed as of January 1, 2023.
To set up an account, you will need your:
Additional users can be added to the account once the individual who created the account has gained access and enrolled in the HWP program. For more information on the account creation process, check out our library of training materials, including these step-by-step instructions.
Once the company’s account has been created and enrolled in the HWP program, companies will be able to retrieve existing generator account data from HWIN (as associated facility and waste information) and have it copied over to the HWP Registry. Review these instructions for more on the process.
Additional Resources
If you have questions regarding the new Hazardous Waste Program Registry, please contact RPRA’s Registry Support Team at [email protected]
Source: RPRA
Tire and Rubber Association of Canada
5409 Eglinton Ave W, Suite 208
Etobicoke, ON M9C 5K6
Tel: (437) 880-8420
Email: [email protected]