
Juil 16

Clermont-Ferrand Dreams of Becoming the Capital of Bio-sourced Materials

Developing the bio-sourced or recycled materials of tomorrow is the objective of the Sustainable Materials Center launched in 2021 by Michelin on one of its former production sites. This is part of the manufacturer’s major project for its Parc Cataroux in Clermont-Ferrand. The group intends to make this vast space a major tool for accelerating innovation for the ecological transition in Europe. With the aim of finding alternative solutions to fossil resources. …

To achieve this, it provides young companies with its expertise and facilities and offers support in the design and management of projects. Carbios, a specialist in plastic recycling using enzymes, was the first to set up shop three years ago.

“The idea is to create an ecosystem and help start-ups get through the valley of death, namely the pre-industrialization stage,” explains Pierre Robert, director of the Center for Sustainable Materials.

Industrial biotechnology platform

And Michelin has decided to go further by creating an industrial biotechnology platform …

Source: Euro Day FR

L'Association canadienne du pneu et du caoutchouc

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